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Novel, creative, touching, effective.


Experience the most effective therapy guideline process.

Start creating the life that makes you happy now. Develop individual ways, skills, insights and approaches with me in therapy. Experience yourself as you begin

To understand, comprehend and influence your inner life.

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Isa Julgalad

more than 2100 hours of experience in systemic therapy

English:All sessions are available in English as well. I speak fluent English.



Sie können die Termine privat bezahlen oder über die Private Krankenkasse /Beihilfe / Heilfürsorge eine Erstattung anfragen, diese wird aufgrund vorliegender Approbation in der Regel bewilligt. Bei fortlaufender Therapie ergibt sich Vor- und Nachbereitungszeit, entsprechend variieren die Preise von 110€ - 150€.

(Es ist über die direkte Buchung keine Therapie zu Lasten der Gesetzlichen Krankenkasse möglich.)


Mit der MKK BKK, VBU, BahnBKK ist auf Grund meines Versorgungsvertrages mit diesen gesetzlichen Krankenkassen eine Therapie realisierbar, dazu müssen Sie mich darauf ansprechen und bestimmte Unterlagen einholen. Das ist einfach. Diese bringen Sie dann zum ersten Termin mit.

Vom 06.09.24 bis zum 16.09.24 bin ich im Urlaub. Bei Anfragen schreiben Sie mir gerne eine Email oder SMS, ich beantworte diese nach dem Urlaub.​

Aktuell gibt es freie Termine.

What do people say about their experiences with me?

"I felt that my feelings are not overpowering. They are smaller than me and they just want to be heard. I've learned that there are reasons for my physical ailments. They make me rest and get excited careful to take responsibility for me."

"I feel very well looked after and understood by Ms. Julgalad. We set my therapy goals together and I can say that we are achieving them well. I think it's great how she includes me in therapy decisions and how transparent and loving she is I was surprised how quickly there were changes in everyday life, even though we only talk about ourselves.

I feel a little clearer inside, more transparent to myself. It is really a great gift that I get the help of having a therapist who goes with me into my inner dark self and together with me sheds a light on everything that is there can be and look at it. This is one of the bravest journeys I have ever taken and I am discovering things that are life changing and very influential.

I wholeheartedly recommend this journey and therapy to everyone."

MY METHODS - Systemic techniques
and therapy tools from Germany & USA

Anker Mehoden
Wilde Pilze

Systemisches Arbeiten bedeutet für mich mit Gefühlen zu arbeiten und einen direkten Zugang zu dem zu bekommen, was stärkt oder belastet.

Eine sanfte Herangehensweise bewirkt, dass wir zielsicher Problem und Lösung angehen. Die Arbeit hat einen Gegenwartsbezug und die Vergangenheit kommt dann ins Spiel, wenn es wirklich erforderlich oder gewünscht ist.

 Es gibt verschiedene systemische Methoden,

ihr Ziel ist Essentielles zu erkennen und erfühlen.

Eine systemische Sitzung im Einzelsetting fokussiert auf das innere System im Menschen. Es beinhaltet etwa Gefühle, Gedanken, Bedürfnisse, Erlebnisse, Gefühlsknoten und Muster. Wir erkunden innere und äußere Einflüsse, Hindernisse und Lösungsversuche, auf dem Weg eine besondere Lösung für Sie zu kreieren.

Eine systemische Therapie heißt: sie sind "Klientin" bzw. "Klient" und wir arbeiten miteinander. Sie werden gefordert, haben Eigenverantwortung und bestimmen aktiv mit. Sie dürfen Themen ansprechen und in den Vordergrund rücken. Ich erlebe, dass Menschen, auch wenn sie diesselbe Diagnose haben, sich unterscheiden. Sie unterscheiden sich, in dem, was für sie nützlich ist. Deswegen arbeite ich so, anstatt zu erwarten, dass jede Hypothese -auch wenn sie noch so praktisch wirkt- auf jeden Menschen gleichermaßen passt. Es ist eine große Herausforderung, sie ermöglicht mir viel mehr Wertschätzung und Effektivität in die Therapie hineinzugeben.


resilience and resources

With the resilience tools and a specific look at your energy, we can also focus on maintaining your external stability as much as possible during therapy. They can usually maintain their work (ability) and continue to "perform well" even if they experience and work on mental symptoms. This is responsible and pays off for you in the long term.

EMDR, EMI, brain spotting

The effectiveness of these methods has been proven in numerous studies. These methods make it easier to process topics that you have already discussed umpteen times and are still burdening you. They are more effective than all other methods, especially in the case of test anxiety, fear, stress, trauma symptoms and psychosomatic complaints.

body awareness

Experience how your relationship with your body can improve with the therapy methods Body Scan, Body Sculpture. Relaxation and resource exercises help you to feel at home in your body again.

Person Isa Julgalad



In my therapy, I like to arrange it in such a way that you feel "seen" as a person. When dealing with major issues, we make realistic therapy plans. You are actively involved in the therapy, are safe and are accompanied and guided. It is the goal of the therapy that in the course of the sessions you will feel "bigger inside", clearer and stronger, develop increasing confidence in yourself and increase your emotional abilities. I want to combine science, creativity and empathy and see people flourish alive.

  • University of Potsdam, diploma in psychology, focus on clinical psychology

  • Crisis Intervention Training

  • Systemic therapy (approval training)
  • EMDR, EMI, brain spotting

  • Specialization in resilience, trauma, depression, stressful situations, crises

  • Work experience: Klinik St. Irmingard, Klinik am Waldschlösschen


Since 2016 I have been offering acute interventions for victims of robbery and crime, coaching and support in challenges, as well as therapy. When systemic therapy was finally recognized as a licensing procedure, I immediately began my path to licensing in this procedure.

Further training courses that I have already realized as a speaker:

  • Burnout prevention for hospital staff

  • Systemic methods for psychologists and co-therapy (open and closed psychiatry)

  • Trauma therapy for doctors and psychotherapists

  • Training for crisis intervention teams

  • Trauma competence for managers (prisons and authorities)

  • Education and training seminars for psychosocial contacts in prisons (Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)

  • Trauma competence for psychologists and probation officers in prisons (Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)

  • Trauma for judges

  • orientation situations

  • Stress & resilience needs

  • Work accidents, commuting and car accidents, traffic accidents of all kinds, robberies, bodily harm and assaults of all kinds, trauma

  • Various types of depression

  • stressful situations and crises

  • Processing and overcoming unfavorable patterns and experiences

  • burnout

  • fears

  • Therapy and stabilization for physical illnesses

  • Therapy of psychosomatic illnesses

  • Borderline symptoms and personality accents in mutual agreement

  • Seeks

  • Adjustment reactions and disorders

  • additional topics and concerns in consultation



You can send me a message.




Sellostrasse 28

14471 Potsdam

You will hear from me.


Image by Amy Luo


"What lies ahead and what lies behind us,

is tiny,

compared to what lies within us. "

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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